• movement work therapy

  • what is movement work therapy?

    integrated movement, exercise science principles

    and yoga therapy

  • why is movement work therapy essential?

    imagine our quality of living with limited or no movement…

    living is movement

    movement gives function

    movement is medicine

  • our expertise in the principles of movmement and exercise science, together with yoga therapy, we have created a somatic approach for individuals in guiding people like you to establish a healthy relationship with your body and through that to find your connection in balancing the mind and body

  • movement work therapy will prescribe specific regimens of postures, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques to suit individual needs.

  • this approach aims at the holistic treatment of various kinds of psychological or somatic dysfunctions ranging from back problems to emotional distress

    (Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D.)

  • there is an understanding of the human being as an integrated body-mind system, which can function optimally only when there is a state of dynamic balance

    (Georg Feuerstein, Ph.D.)

  • what you can expect from a movement work therapy session

    • to work with a trained psychosomatic therapist also specialising in yoga therapy, exercise and sports science with at least 18 years of collective coaching and teaching experience.

    • to practice in a trauma-informed space meaning that the therapist will have the experience to professionally guide or challenge you at your pace based on your needs in a therapeutically safe environment,

    • that you do NOT need to be physically active or experienced in yoga to do sessions with us,

    • to grow and embrace your personal journey with your soma with the guidance of our compassionate therapist.

  • what you will not see...

    • being forced into a maximum range of flexibility (because this is not okay long-term) or extreme poses or high-intensity exercises (we will guide you based on your present moment capabilities and will build things with you from here),

    • expectations of having to mould into a set form or look in your practice (all our body is differently made in a unique way and we embrace self-acceptance).